Thursday, June 22, 2006

Terrorism update - From Fox News: “Seven nabbed in Miami on terror charges in plot to hit Sears Tower”: “Seven people were arrested on terrorism conspiracy charges Thursday in connection with the early stages of a plot to attack Chicago's Sears Tower and other buildings in the United States, a federal law enforcement official said.”


  1. Karl Rove plants to distract attention from the debate in Congress about removing the troops for Iraq. Since Kerry's proposal is so popular, and we all know that Kerry actually won the election, Rove is all over the world distracting people from Bush's approval ratings which are now in the single digits.

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Ho! Ho! Ho! Take an ingredient here, a phrase there, an unascribed motive from over there, mush them together, and one can pretend to mimic the confusion of a lunatic.

    Lunatics are so darned easy to defeat in debate, too! They often get distracted by shiny objects, and forget to mention that the oil-rich administration promoted lies to sell a war against the wrong Arab leader, misjudged and mismanaged the war once they got it, drowned New Orleans through inaction and cronyism, subverted the U.S. Constitution, sold out U.S. security to Saudi Arabia, and hopes to do so with Mexico.

    On second thought, that's too hard to rebut. Hey, get this! Valerie Plame and Al Franken are forming a butterfly ballot strike force to swoop in on swift boats, get the incriminating buckshot out of Cheney's shooting victim, white out Dan Rather's old memos, and sing backup with the Dixie Chicks! Ho! Ho!

  3. Tinfoil, since you think they're hard to rebut:

    Lies - see shells, ISG report (and you misuse the word)
    War - we won the war quite handily, an argument can be made over the peace, but I think it is going reasonably well and on schedule
    NO - Brown didn't flood NO, but cronyism was responsible (but at the local board level).

    SA and Mexico, I won't argue as I believe the latter and fear the former.

  4. I am no Scott Ott, but that was a parody. I am sure Eric knew, as I have been commented on this site for years.

    I am sure there are quite a few people who would actually believe of all the nonsense I wrote.

  5. But you sounded so sane, brian. :-)

    There's people who read Liberal Larry's "Blame Bush" blog and don't realize that it's satire.

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    There are also people who read the Constitution and don't realize it's serious.
