Friday, June 23, 2006

How we see each other

The Boston Globe has an article about a Pew poll and how Muslims and non-Muslims view each other: "Big gap in Western, Muslim views"

People polled in six predominantly Muslim countries -- Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Nigeria -- blame Westerners for the strain in ties and mostly see Americans and Europeans as selfish, arrogant, immoral, and greedy, with opinions of the West and its people worsening over the past year, the survey suggested. In turn, majorities among the non-Muslims polled in most Western countries see Muslims as fanatical and lacking in tolerance.
In other words, the West is successful and maybe proud about it; the Muslims want to kill us. But at least they’re part of the reality-based community:

Moreover, solid majorities of Muslims living in Muslim countries and in Britain said they did not believe that Arabs carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States.
Another lie by the Jew-owned media.

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