Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Life, uncensored

Scott Adams of Dilbert Blog needs your help: “I have a theory that every person has at least one story that will knock your socks off. This is your chance to prove it.” Adams reveals he’s been robbed three times at gunpoint in San Francisco.

Um, I met former New Jersey governor Tom Kean. Oh, and former NJ Senator Bill Bradley. My possible candidate for a rare event was that I was in Washington, D.C. one weekend because I had E-mailed Jack Germond and asked if I could see a taping of the “McLaughlin Group.” He wrote back to come to the studio and my college buddy and I met Pat Buchanan, Fred Barnes and Clarence Page. After the taping, Page was nice enough to chat with us for a good ten minutes; he was such a great guy that we were ready to drive him to the airport.

Anyway, as chance would have it, that particular episode never aired because that very night the Gulf War started. Later, we saw the re-vamped “McLaughlin Group” episode with all the Washington “B” listers who were dragged in for a last-minute re-do.

I know: not the kind of story to leave you barefoot, but hey. I also saw Dan Marino at Disney World, but I didn't want to bother him. At least I think it was Dan Marino.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Mark Harmon in an elevator in Vegas (nice guy) and Al Leiter in a men's bathroom in a club in Miami, in a stall with another guy during spring training.
