Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Business is based on voluntary cooperation

It's time to retire that old chestnut that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Maybe a better adage is: a conservative is a liberal who owns a business. Via Right Wing News, here’s John Mackey of Whole Foods:

In other words, business is not a zero-sum game with a winner and loser. It is a win, win, win, win game — and I really like that. However, I discovered despite my idealism that our customers thought our prices were too high, our employees thought they were underpaid, the vendors would not give us large discounts, the community was forever clamoring for donations, and the government was slapping us with endless fees, licenses, fines, and taxes.

Were we profitable? Not at first. Safer Way managed to lose half of its capital in the first year — $23,000. Despite the loss, we were still accused of exploiting our customers with high prices and our employees with low wages. The investors weren't making a profit and we had no money to donate. Plus, with our losses, we paid no taxes. I had somehow joined the "dark side" — I was now one of the bad guys. According to the perspective of the Left, I had become a greedy and selfish businessman. At this point, I rationally chose to abandon the leftist philosophy of my youth, because it no longer adequately explained how the world really worked.
Welcome to the dark side, Mr. Mackey. Bwahahahahaha!!! (evil laughter)

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