Saturday, February 18, 2006

Did the Democrats “Swift Boat” their own candidate?

That’s what Mother Jones alleges Harry Reid did to Ohio candidate Paul Hackett:

Swift boats soon appeared on the horizon. A whisper campaign started: Hackett committed war crimes in Iraq—and there were photos.
Hat tip to Mark Noonan at GOP Bloggers: “I can't help but point out, however, how out of touch the Democrats are - rather than just having their establishement candidate point out how absurd Hackett's views on the war are, the Democratic leadership had to resort to skullduggery.” The Democrats forced out Hackett because they wanted Congressman Sherrod Brown to run against Republican senator Mike DeWine. DeWine’s senate seat was considered vulnerable but a Rassmussen poll shows the incumbent with a 9% lead over Brown.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to see what all the Kos Kids are saying about this.


  1. I just loving the media meme that Dewine is vulnerable. Please. It reminds me of 2004, when the media were still calling Arizona and Missouri swing states long after Kerry pulled out all of his advertising money and staff out of those states because they were sure losers for him. Dewine wins easily, you watch.

  2. I tend to agree. During the 2004 campaign, I read a great review about how Ohio is a Republican state. Hope it stays that way.
