Saturday, February 18, 2006

Blogger has bugs. In other news, the sky is blue.

All day yesterday, every post I put on my blog…vanished. They would be there for a couple of minutes but when I checked back, they were gone. Very frustrating. I E-mailed to prolific bloggers Ann Althouse and Betsy Newmark, who also inadvisably use Blogger, and they reported no problems (thanks for getting back to me!) So maybe it’s fixed but there are still others reporting problems.

What am I going to do? I’m simply not going to pay an Internet service to blog, so I guess I’m stuck with the get-what-you-pay-for service of Blogger. Oh well.

Sorry for the disruption. I tried.

Update – On the up side, the Blogger problems shut down Americablog for a couple of hours.

Update 2 – Well, I posted this very message this morning, it disappeared, but now Blogger says everything is fixed although everything posted for the past 18 hours is lost. Eh.


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I used to be with Blogger and switched after only a month because I became so frustrated.

  2. A comment! Blogger works again!

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It's insanely cheap to use not-Blogger for blogging, and that can be completely paid for by ad revenue. The only thing Blogger gives you is someone else supplying, upgrading and managing the blogging software, and protection from spikes in bandwidth if you become even temporarily too popular without the revenue to match.

  4. I've had a similar problem with Blogger, and I used Google Desktop to help me recreate the missing posts.
