Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Can you feel the excitement? No? – Dick Morris writing in The Hill: “Look out, here comes Al Gore


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    This is an unbelievably shocking twist. That is, Dick Morris writing about anybody other than Hillary Clinton.

    Toesucker Dick remains forever fixated on the job he got fired from a decade ago. He's like the girl from the Exorcist, if her head had gotten permanently stuck in the "backwards" position.

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Al Gore to the LEFT of Hillary? Of course he is. And Hillary is far left already. Greener than John Kerry? Of course, but only green with envy that he didn't get the nod to re-run in '04. Never fear, AlGore is assured of being a 2-time losr if he runs.
