Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Best review of the Dubai port debate – From Jim Geraghty on NRO. Long with many links.

Extra – From the WashPost blog: “The facts on outsourcing port management”: “Sounds like knee-jerk xenophobia to me, and you can bet that's how it sounds in the Middle East, too. And, frankly, it's not fair. One can't assume that a country poses a security risk just because it has "Arab" in its name.”

Yeah, well, recent history would suggest there’s a basis for concern.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Michelle Malkin has a habit of taking a position before all the facts are in, and then sticking to that position once facts are uncovered. She then moves the goal posts.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    When this story first broke, I thought the whole idea stunk to high heaven, but after learning more about it, I've come to the conclusion that the port deal is not a threat to national security, and that scuttling it would be a major mistake. There's a lot of hysteria going on here, and of course the Dems are doing their best to politicize it (it's one of the few chances that they have to look serious about the WOT).

  3. I'd love to see this poll: How many people who are now alarmed over the Dubai company running the ports were even aware that a British had been operating them before.
