Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I’m sure there won’t be any populist grandstanding in Congress today – “Oil executives face Senate scrutiny Explanations sought for higher profit” I guess "supply and demand" just won't cut it.

Follow-up – Stevie Wonder could see this coming: “Senators vent on oil company executives


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Soldiers aren't being maimed and killed in part to protect the global interests of the McNugget.

  2. Anon,

    That's right: it's all about the oooooiiiillll. There couldn't have been any other reason to seek change in the Middle East.

    But since you're all against fighting overseas for oil, surely you're in support of opening ANWR to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, right? Keep some cash away from the Saudi princes who are undoubtably funneling it to Osama? Right?

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Mmmm, the instant "tinfoil hat" faux checkmate. Because it's not all "about the oooooiiiillll," therefore it's not about the oil at all. Q.E.D.!

    With a little "caribou or Osama: CHOOSE!" on the side. The war on terror shall be won on the playing fields of Alaska.

    Moderate thinking, how we miss you.
