Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Election 2005 wrap-up

John Podhoretz reviews:

To sum up: Incumbent party victories in two states and one city. A Republican state rejected Democratic initiatives. A Democratic state rejected Republican initiatives.

Don't let the Democratic spin doctors fool you. Election Day 2005 has nothing to tell us about where the electorate is going in the wake of Bush's terrible year.
Maybe, but Larry Kudlow isn’t so carefree. Michael Barone and Deborah Orin think the strength of the Democratic candidate in Virginia means good news for the presidential aspirations of Mark Warner and bad news for Hillary Clinton. Ex-Donkey adds: “This result is a major boost for Mark Warner in his expected bid for the Presidency in 2008. Hillary was hoping to avoid a nasty primary battle, but with Warner hitting her on the right, she'll need to rally the moonbats, which should make for a lot of fist-pounding and high-pitched shrieking in here speeches.”

Back in March 2004, I expounded on the value of a Southern Democratic governor on John Kerry’s ticket and obviously many of those qualities would make a good Presidential candidate. It’s going to make for an interesting primary with the Clintonites squared off against the “most electable” faction that ended up with Kerry.


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Let's review the math:

    2002: George W. Bush stumps for candidates, even in questionable races, and the GOP achieves gains = Bush the kingmaker "defies the experts" and demonstrates his flawless golden touch.

    (See "HOW BUSH DID IT":

    2005: Bush stumps for a Virginia candidate whose numbers drop after the endorsement, and is afraid to stump for the NJ candidate because Bush's name is political poison there = No biggie! It's not about Bush, anyway! All politics are local! We've got a whole year! Bush who?

    "A major stretch"? "Don't let the Democratic spin doctors fool you"? Podhoretz is whistling in the graveyard. And as long as he's whistling, he might want to know that "Hail To The Chief" has been replaced with "AH HA HA HA HA HA, wipe out!"

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I think Johnny Pod is pretty accurate here.

    These are gubernatorial races. They don't mean anything except to the people who live there. If the Dems can manage to win elections when it really counts (like a year from now), then they might finally have something going for them.

  3. Anonymous1:31 AM

    1. Jon Corzine will be choosing the successor to finish out his Senate term. That person, a Democrat, will have a huge advantage when the seat comes up again for election.
    2. If gubernatorial races don't mean anything, then why did Bush campaign for Kilgore?

    From wire reports: "There's no way to spin this than anything other than a major defeat for Republicans and for President Bush," said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. "This is a red state, he came in on Election Eve and he had no discernible effect. ... If anything, he may have cost Kilgore some votes."

    So when Bush helps candidates win, it's a plus for Bush... but when his mojo runs dry, it's okay because it didn't count? No chance. And trying to sell that turkey ain't Democratic spin doctors at work.
