Thursday, September 22, 2005

We must move upward, not forward, and always twirling towards freedom

The Boston Globe’s Tom Oliphant makes for a tedious read. He’s cut from that Richard Cohen cloth of rambling discourse and liberal navel-gazing. Today he meanders through a rainbow-tinged alternate reality where John Kerry is president: “Kerry’s roads not taken.” In the column, Oliphant makes (I think) an unintentionally humorous reference to the man I refer to as “Senator Splunge”:

Nobody is better qualified than John Kerry to remind us that a choice was made last year. That is especially true given his intention to speak out on major issues in depth in the coming weeks, free now from agitprop about gay marriage and lies about his Navy record. Obviously the big one will be Iraq, about which he gets one more chance to point a clear way forward or out or both.
Heh-heh. Given Kerry’s history of indecision, I’m guessing “or both.”

1 comment:

  1. I like that "lies about his Navy record" humbug. You know, if Kerry doesn't like lies about his Navy record, he should stop telling them.
