Thursday, September 22, 2005

Mugabe finds the bottom, starts digging

Ever since I read an Atlantic Monthly article on Robert Mugabe titled “How to Kill a Country” (subscription required), I always check articles on Zimbabwe to see what’s new nadir that country’s dictator has plumbed. From today’s Boston Globe:

In addition, Zimbabwe's $120 million payment to the International Monetary Fund this month left the country starved for foreign currency reserves. The government, said one senior official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, raided US dollar accounts held by businesses at the Central Bank to pay the overdue debt. The government then reimbursed the businesses in Zimbabwean dollars, which sold at 10,000 to $1 US in March and now at 50,000 to $1.
So now that Mugabe has driven out the white farmers and starved the country, he’s now going to send any remaining business owners running for the border, since nobody accepts Zimbabwe’s worthless currency. When gasoline is available in the country, the station owners will only accept U.S. dollars.


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    This continues the sad, bloody, theme that prevails with all Marxist governments. South Africa is next. The murder rate of white farmers there has been, on average, 140 per year for the last ten years. This is since the Marxist ANC took power. There are now about 50,000 white farmers left.

    When the ANC has no more white farmers to demonize, by the way that word is not hyperbole, they will start on the rest of the white businesses.

    Where is the hope? I don't think the ANC can be removed; therefore, the country is doomed, just like Zimbabwe. All the lies about all the whites won't weave a fabric to hold that country together, nor will the bile in the mind of a Marxist create an economic model of use to the people.

  2. Don't worry Eric. As soon as the U.N. gets done castigating Israel for being the most atrocious human rights violater on Earth, they go right about Mugabe.

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    And let's not forget that Namibia, which had been showing signs of hope, has decided to take lessons from Mugabe and has started seizing land from the evil white farmers. Thus begins the sleigh ride to hell.
    We need to just pull out of that entire country, lock, stock, and barrel...and walk away. (Well, maybe help Eritria a bit.)

  4. You could check my blog; I often post on Mad-Bob and Zimbabwe.
    BTW, the dollar is now 65.000 to 1US!
    All the best,
