Friday, September 16, 2005

Because it’s easy to cut spending!

The explosion of spending in the Bush administration is the one thing I cannot abide. I’m not talking about the war in Iraq, or the response to 9/11 or deficit spending to get the country out of recession. I’m talking about the highway bill, the energy bill, and the prescription drug benefit – and not a single veto from this White House to hold the line. Now Bush says he’ll cut “unnecessary spending” to cover the cost of Katrina. Too late. It’s like we blew our paycheck in Vegas only to come home to a flooded house. That money’s gone. Switching to a cheaper shampoo won’t pay the bills.


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    You'll abide it, all right, and you'll smile while abiding it.

    Embittered Las Vegas analogies? Your belated buyer's remorse is like waking up in a $19.95 motel, next to a toothless, hagged-out hooker with track marks sporting a shiny new wedding ring, and shouting, "But how could I have known? There were no obvious clues!"

  2. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Spending will be cut. McCain already said certain Pork Projects are targeted, like the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere. If McCain is onboard, it means W has been leaning on some Congressional Leaders to cut some pork. I think that is what DeLay was trying to imply. He wants ideas on cutting spending.
    Also, we the taxpayer already spend billions of dollars in New Orleans. Welfare, Medicaid, a horrendous school system, funds for the levees that were used instead to build stadiums. If we have to pump money there, lets at least try spending it on programs that have a chance of working.

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Oh yeah, that's SURE to happen, because Ted Stevens wants nothing more in life than to see a smile on McCain's face.

    Stevens will let a dollar leave his state for the bayou 5 minutes after Bechtel and Halliburton agree to do their New Orleans work at cost.

    I hope you're not quite fed up, FedUp, because your party's budget busting has only just begun.
