Friday, September 16, 2005

We’re boned

It looks like the Republicans are about to run up the white flag on Social Security reform: “Social Security legislation could be shelved”:

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Thomas M. Reynolds will recommend to the House Republican leadership that the party drop its effort to restructure Social Security, at least for this year, House Republican aides confirmed yesterday.
Well, forget about election year 2006 so the next best chance for reform is 2007, which is exactly 65 years after the World War II baby boom. So, in other words, if Washington didn’t have the courage to fix Social Security this year, they’ll never find the courage with millions of American voters receiving their first government checks.

Gah, it’s so depressing. Social Security Choice has more. I’m getting another beer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Yeah, this is why we needed to do it now. I don't know that I will ever forgive the failure of many conservative bloggers to get behind Social Security reform. They said, "it can wait." They said, "Medicare reform is more important." They said, "it'll just complicate the conservative agenda." They believed only the bad polls, and ignored the polls showing support for reform. They claimed that personal accounts wouldn't be enough, thus they wouldn't support reform. They said all sorts of idiotic things.

    I don't blame this on conservative bloggers, but this clearly answers the question, "WHY NOW? Why is this urgent?"

    This is why.

    But the Reform Thursday series will continue.
