Sunday, July 24, 2005

An Arab from England says “enough

From WashPost: “After London, tough questions for Muslims

I'm sure it was also those dog-eared statements that our clerics and religious leaders read out telling us that Islam means peace -- it actually means submission -- and asking us to please forget everything they had ever said before July 6, because as of July 7 they truly believe violence is bad. Their backpedaling is so furious you can smell the skid marks.

Some are not even bothering to put their feet on the pedals, such as the 22 imams and scholars who met at London's largest mosque to condemn the bombings but who would not criticize all suicide attacks.
Ankle-biting Pundits calls it “a column that should appear in every Arab newspaper.” Don’t forget about Indonesia.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Tom Friedman, in his excellent book, The World Is Flat, spoke about Ms Shabana Azmi, a famous Indian movie star who told a leading Indian Muslim cleric to "take a hike". This was in a live national TV interview broadcast all over India - the country with the second largest Muslim population in the world.
    It happened in October 2001, when - to quote the Indo American Arts Council site, ( ...Shabana Azmi asked ....the Imam .... "Imam Saheb, since you are inciting Indian Muslims to wage a jehad in support of the Taliban, why don't you get air dropped to Kandahar so that your problem can be solved and ours too?".
    Rather than "taking her down", the majority of Indians were behind her, regardless of their religion.
