Sunday, July 24, 2005

Tae Kwan Do, yes. Baseball, no

Oh it will always be a favorite of retirees and simple-minded folk, but you know that a sport is circling the drain when it can’t even gain a slot at the Olympics. From “Olympic committee passes on U.S. national pastime”:

So the International Olympic Committee votes to cut some sports from the 2012 Summer Games, the first time in 69 years it has dropped any sports. And guess which two they are – baseball and softball, both American inventions and one of them supposedly our national pastime.
Baseball joins other Olympic rejects like tug-of-war, polo, croquet and roque. I have no idea what roque is.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Pfft. The Olympics blow.

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    FYI: This is strictly because Bud Selig and the major leagues are starting the "World Baseball Classic," a 16-nation tournament of their own, next March. The Intl. Olympic Committee is like the Sports Mafia, and they hit back at those who tread on their "turf."

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Yeah, you could see this one coming. The girl's fast pitch games is totally, and I mean TOTALLY, dominated by the Americans. Every other country is competing for silver. Unless you are American, there is little or no interest in watching our girls stomp yet another team into the diamond. I mean really, in the warmup to the olympics, the best college teams in the US were lucky to even score a run against our olympic team. (many of the best were shut out).

    How much swimming would you watch if the Australians won all three medals in every single event?

    Our women should have thrown a few games I guess.

