Sunday, June 12, 2005

You’ll never out-Satan America

Mark Steyn wryly notes that Islamics (and Amnesty International) freak out over Koran handling at Gitmo while dismissing reports of mosque destruction in Zimbabwe and elsewhere: “Quran desecration crock a win for Jihad spin docs

The point is the world's Muslims seem entirely cool with Infidel Bob razing a mosque. Unlike the fallout over Newsweek's fraudulent story about the Quran being flushed down a toilet, no excitable young men went bananas in Pakistan; no western progressives berated Mugabe for his "cultural insensitivity." And sadly most of the big shot Muslim spokespersons were still too busy flaying the Bush administration to whip their subjects into a frenzy over Hatcliffe Extension's pile of Islamic rubble.
Karl Rove was probably behind that anyway.

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