Monday, June 13, 2005

Social Security roundup

Yes, they’re still talking about reform on Capitol Hill – “GOP looking for agreement on Social Security.”

From the Christian Science Monitor – “Security is missing from the Social Security debate”: “Developing more inclusive asset building policies is a prerequisite to offering each American the opportunity to increase their security.”

In USA Today, Robert Pozen writes: “Why my plan to fix Social Security will work.” He correctly concludes: “Once the baby boomers begin to retire in 2012, it may be too late to modify their benefit formulas. The window for Social Security reform is open, but it's closing fast.”

And the NY Times gives us the quote of the day from “In Overhaul of Social Security, Age Is the Elephant in the Room”:

Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster, agreed: "Forty might be the new 30, but they don't necessarily believe that 70 is the new 65."
If 6 was 9.

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