Friday, May 06, 2005

Drilled and hammered on Social Security

Charles Krauthammer opens up a toolbox full of criticism in “The same old saw on Social Security”:

To be sure, the president started all this on his own, first proposing personal accounts. Democrats objected that this did nothing about the really important issue, namely solvency. So Bush offered five solvency alternatives in his State of the Union address (four first proposed by Democrats) and welcomed any other ideas. The Democrats answered: "You go first." On April 28 the president did go first, proposing a remarkably progressive reduction in the rate of growth of benefits.

The Democratic leadership, supported by misleading headlines around the country, denounced these "cuts" as the work of a party that never did believe in Social Security and now wants to kill it.
Preserve automatic benefit cuts first!” they cried. (Hat tip to Betsy)

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