Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sixty percent of Americans favor personal retirement accounts – And as Patrick Ruffini details, Americans 30 and younger support them overwhelmingly (almost five-to-one ratio!) George Will is fond of pointing out that this is the only demographic that John Kerry won in the 2004 election. Heh.

1 comment:

Synova said...

The AARP ad is making me nuts. Tear down a house to fix a sink? As if it's just the sink that's broken! I lived in a house in California that was tilting seriously to one side and an old house in North Dakota that had no level surfaces, wiring from 1950, and a cracked fireplace. Surely they could have come up with a more accurate house analogy! To fix the house in North Dakota, besides the wiring and plumbing, would require lifing the house off the foundation, removing the foundation, building a new one, and setting the house down on it again.

*That's* the advertisement I want to see. In any case, someone should tell the AARP that this isn't about old people, it's about me and then it's about my kids.

A broken sink! As if.