Thursday, March 17, 2005

What media bias? – One of my fave bloggers, Lorie Byrd, has an article in the American Spectator on the signs that media bias has ended. Nicely done, Lorie! Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    It's true that speakers should be labelled "liberal" if others are being introduced as "conservative." Otherwise, those are some fantastic points.

    Clinton's secret girlfriend, deployment of national security... they're both equivalent examples of "whistleblowing." That's big picture thinking at its sharpest; why get swamped in details?

    And yeah, why is the media afraid to admit that "big abortion" is an economic powerhouse like "big oil"? Enough about the obsession with petro-dollars, let's hear more about the underground economy of dilato-dollars. (And how come those hippies Ben & Jerry aren't ever identified as spokesmen for Big Snacks?)

    The 4% to 5% of judicial nominees being blocked by the Democrats have political views and goals that are benign, uncontroversial, and in common agreement with their general profession. Yet despite mirroring so many of their peers, they can't possibly be replaced by anyone else.

    All that list needs is Mallard Fillmore giving a sardonic sideways squint at the end.
