Thursday, March 17, 2005

Krugman loses the top partisan spot

Don Luskin points out (here and here) that in his most recent article, NY Times columnist Paul Krugman actually attacked a Democrat: “Stop the presses! Paul Krugman, America's most dangerous liberal pundit, has taken the nearly unheard of step of criticizing a Democrat in his latest column in the New York Times!”

Clearly this was a bald-faced tactic to bring down his partisanship ranking on Lying in Ponds and it did not escape their notice: “Paul Krugman dropped from first to third in the partisanship rankings after yesterday’s uncharacteristically mixed column on Social Security. There were six negative Democratic references (compared to 18 for all of 2004), including three to Joe Lieberman. It did not qualify as a crossover column, because it mostly criticized Republicans (surprise!). Still, the column is a big departure for Mr. Krugman, who has not been this critical of Democrats for anything, even for being too cooperative with Republicans, in at least a couple of years.”

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