Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union

Let me just say this: when President Bush finished the section of his speech on Social Security, I didn’t harbor a regret like “He should have said ______!” He reviewed the basis for reform and taunted the Democrats to take a position by citing the solutions proposed by Democratic legends like Bill Clinton and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He laid down a marker for current and future retirees while promising a dynamic new system for younger workers. I thought it was extremely effective, forcefully presented and logically argued.

Other thoughts: purple fingers, “nukular”, leaning on the Saudis, Egypt, Syria

Message to Iran: “As you stand for your own liberty, America stands with you” Nice.

Geez, I almost teared up when Dubya introduced that Iraqi woman in the President’s box. Same with the Marine's mom & dad, and the hug.

Good finish: [the road ahead] "leads to freedom."

UpdatePolipundit and Lorie Byrd have some commentary. Meanwhile, Blogs for Bush is reviewing the SOTU as well as providing a lot of data on Social Security. Scroll away.

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