Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Democratic Responzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………


Just awful. Reid and Pelosi were robotic except for their mouths which couldn’t coordinate the mechanics to form English words. And what was with the background noise?

Here’s John Hood on Senator Harry Reid:

I submit that Harry Reid just delivered one of the weakest, most ineffectual addresses by any leader of any party in modern political history. It was horrid -- poorly written, woodenly delivered. It had no substance, and a lame Las Vegas joke.
And San Francisco representative Pelosi:

I must say, I do feel a lot safer with Nancy Pelosi on the case. She'll get our armed forces what they need to capture, maim, or kill the enemies of America. Totally believable.
Is that sarcasm? I think so! Oh and per my prediction, the Democratic response contained no details on Social Security other than “answers are coming.” Sure they are.

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