Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sixty-second Social Security rundown

Ugh…I’m getting seriously burnt out with Social Security posts. Here’s today’s quick rundown: in 1935, Franklin Delano Roosevelt discovered a previously unknown clause in the Constitution that Americans have the right to retirement benefits. Everybody loved it when taxes were low and benefits were high, but the oncoming of the Baby Boomers will put a serious strain on the system. Because a great many younger workers believe the system won’t be around in 40 years, they want Social Security reform. However, older Americans – who would not be affected by reform – nevertheless want to block any change to Social Security. Republicans are nervous about a backlash from older voters and there are a number of alternate plans being debated in Congress, although not by Democrats who are instead intent on ignoring the problem and playing politics. Still, some believe that due to the undeniable magnitude of the problem, Social Security reform will eventually pass into law.


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