Thursday, February 24, 2005

Air we go again

Yet another CEO takes on Air America – “Air America is estimated to be operating at a multimillion-dollar loss annually. [Danny] Goldberg said he expects the it to be profitable either this year or next.

Ha-ha, good luck with that, Danny! I occasionally listen to Morning Sedition on my morning commute and it’s a train wreck. These guys throw out an endless litany of half-truths and outrageous statements, oblivious in their two-man echo chamber of their own self-contradictory rhetoric. There’s not a whit of evidence that they’re trying to convince anybody to their point of view – it’s 100% spitballing. Danny Goldberg will find out soon enough that it’s not marketing that’s the problem, it’s the product.

Extra - Here are those tolerant, open-minded Morning Sedition guys: “Americans are blindingly ignorant. [snip] Americans just don't care. …And that dangerous embrace of apathy, ignorance and mediocrity stands at the front lines of the battle we now face.” Stupid Americans! Why aren't you listening to our great show?!?

1 comment:

  1. This just in: non-blindingly non-ignorant socialists still think you can make the word "American" plural by adding an apostrophe and an s (viz "American's find it harder to parse both sides of the issue").
