Thursday, January 27, 2005

Poor Javier Lopez

From NY Post Page Six:

Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning wasn't happy the way the New England Patriots ended his season. At Edith's restaurant in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the other night, Manning "looked totally dejected and had a puss on his face of 'Don't bother me,' " a spy reports. Peyton drank Coronas and his wife, Ashley, sipped margaritas. "Everyone knew who he was, including the Mexican waitstaff . . . He kept telling the waiters, 'This week I am known as Javier Lopez.' " Manning devoured a platter of shrimp, lobster tail and filet mignon, but "he was avoiding all eye contact with everyone else in the restaurant and stared out into space a lot," said our witness. "At one point, his wife asked him if he was listening to her and when he did not respond, she grabbed his hand and asked him again and he said despondently, 'No, I was thinking about football.' And when it came time to pay the bill, the wife said she would put it on her credit card since it is the same account, and he said, 'Believe me, I know.' "
Go Patriots!


  1. Go Eagles!!! - Brian at Tomfoolery

  2. Anonymous7:27 PM

    How unfortunate that "spies" can uncover better information on Peyton Manning's appetizers than they can on where Osama bin Laden's been hanging out for the last 3 years. My guess is that he's got season tickets for the Celtics.
