Thursday, January 27, 2005

A grasping Sully shops for new enemies

Andrew Sullivan finally responds to Heather MacDonald’s article on torture by attacking…Little Green Footballs. And, in fact, not an LGF post but selective comments left on the blog. Has Sully never heard of “ACPOTI”? What a limp and illogical retort.

Update: LGF responds with “Sully off the rails again

Andrew Sullivan shows that he’s not above a cheap smear, by describing LGF as “the enthusiastically pro-torture site.” He uses the exact same smear tactic used by the loony left sites; he quotes a handful of extreme comments (and some not-so-extreme), and claims that they represent my views, despite a highly obvious disclaimer to the contrary at the top of each page of comments.
The words “jump” and “shark” come to mind.

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