Monday, December 06, 2004

Self-parody alert - By the way, did anybody catch "The Simpsons" last night? There was a media circus in Springfield and all the news trucks for the major networks were in town. Kent Brockman says "...and there's the Fox News van" whereupon an huge truck rolls on screen. At first all you see is the Fox News logo, followed by an enormous "Bush/Cheney 2004" sign while Queen's "We are the Champions" plays in the background. It was hilarious.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Unfortunately, I don't think this was self parody. Rather it was leftist Matt Groenig taking a shot at Fox News. To Matt and others of his stripe Fox News is nothing more than a voice for the Republican party, and thus should be mocked.

    Jim Bass

  2. I agree, not a self-parody. But there was a pretty broad swipe at TV news reporters and anchors, not to mention the swipe at the women's movement.

    And is it just me, or is the sex joke content increasing?
