Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Everyone knows it’s Windy

I love updates on the Nantucket Sound wind farm. For those of you new to this topic, a group called Cape Wind Associates wants to build wind turbines off Nantucket sound in Massachusetts to generate clean energy, enough to power 170,000 homes. Last month, a report by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers declared that the project would have a negligible effect on ship navigation and wildlife. However, the largely-liberal denizens of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are trying to stop the plan because – simply put – sacrifices for clean energy should be made elsewhere.

One Cape resident spoke about worries he had over oil that would be stored at a staging platform on the 24-square mile project. Others worried about fishing grounds and urged a far more comprehensive review of the project. One woman's concerns over aesthetics brought her to tears.
Won’t somebody think of my ocean view? And my property value?” And then this kid threw some cold water on the proceedings:

"You all should be embarrassed about the world you [are leaving]," said 16-year-old Emily Lindsey of West Tisbury. "I can't vote, but to my elders I say stop exploiting the earth and future generations. Use wind."
I can only imagine that every speaker after Emily must have sounded like a Halliburton executive.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Teddy Kennedy is against it.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The Republican governor of Massachusetts is also against the wind farm.


    Those darn conservatives.
