Monday, November 01, 2004

The Truth about Iraq

You may not know:
- 80,000 Iraqi children are alive today because the Coalition Forces took Saddam Hussein from power.
- Polls show 75% of Iraqis want a democracy.
- 51% of Iraqis say their country is going in the right direction.
This is the truth about Iraq - the truth that people should know before they vote.
Take a look.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Where do you get these numbers. The Iraq situation is as doomed as Veitnam. Not worth the time nor cost. Trying to impose our way is the same as someone coming to America and telling us to have a king. Also the fiasco in our electoral process as of late leaves us in an unenviable position when espousing the merits of democracy.

    Bush needs to understand while it is macho and exiting to say, that the best defense is a good offense, all great games are won on solid defense. We are fighting an enemy with no country. So do we attack Iran next when they all settle there. Then do we attack Syria if they then go there. Our Iraq strategy with respect to terrorism is flawed. Anyway, right now, most of the terrorists are safe and sound in Pakistan who give them safe haven to help in their proxy war against India in Kashmir.

    And please don't give me altruistic bullshit about helping Iraqis, most Amercan don't care about developing Iraq when we need the Billions of dollars here in the USA.
