Monday, November 01, 2004

Leadership – Reelect President Bush

I started writing a long, long, essay on why I thought President Bush deserves re-election. But it all boiled down to this: Bush will keep America safe. In Afghanistan and Iraq, the President is on the offensive against terrorism and Osama Bin Laden’s desperate video is evidence that the strategy is working. If Bin Laden had the power to attack America on the eve of our election (a la Madrid), he would have done so. But he doesn’t: Al-Qaeda has been seriously weakened.

And what are the long-term consequences of President Bush’s policies? Afghanistan just held their first elections ever. Iraq has been freed from a brutal dictator who is arguably responsible for over a million deaths (Iran-Iraq war, invasion of Kuwait and Gulf War, genocide of the Kurds and other Iraqis). In January, it’ll be the third country in the Middle East (after Israel and Turkey) to hold national elections. Next door, Saudi Arabia is experimenting with municipal elections. Syria is pulling back from southern Lebanon and moderating relations with the West. Libya has voluntarily given up their weapons programs. Meanwhile, every other country in the world is refining their government to confront the threat of terrorism – appeasement and tolerance are no longer operative.

President Bush held firm and told the world: with or without you, we’re going to fight. For his leadership, he deserves our respect, our honor, and our vote.

[Cross-posted on Blogs for Bush]


  1. Yeah, what you said.

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Bush will not make America safe. At least, I hope not. Killing those bastards is dangerous work, certainly for those directly involved, and generally for everyone, since they will continue trying to hit us if they can, and it is wishful thinking to assume they will never again succeed. So be it. I don't want America safe. I want those bastards dead. At whatever cost.

    yrs in bloody revenge,
    Ben Crain
