Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What’s wrong with being sexy?

From Reuters: “Stop using models as ball-girls, official asks

A senior Spanish government official on Tuesday asked the organizers of the Madrid Masters tennis tournament to stop using models as ball-girls, saying it was sexist.

The 19 to 28-year-olds were drafted in this year to replace the young fans who usually run around picking up stray balls and handing towels to players. They are due to work for most of the televised matches at the week-long tournament.
So many potential ball jokes…so little time.


  1. I heard that the balls are blue this year.

  2. If you do a search on the news photos, you can find a picture of one of the model handing Andre Agassi his balls.

  3. [snicker] Reuters said "Ball-girls" [/snicker]
