Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Listen to the children

Students Around the Country Select George W. Bush as President in the 2004 Scholastic Election Poll

Since 1940, Scholastic Classroom Magazines have given students the opportunity to cast their vote for president in the Scholastic Election Poll (online voting was added in 2000). In every election, but two, the outcome of the Scholastic Election Poll mirrored the outcome of the general election. The exceptions were in 1948 when students chose Thomas E. Dewey over Harry S. Truman and in 1960 when more students voted for Richard M. Nixon than John F. Kennedy. In 2000, student voters chose George W. Bush, mirroring the Electoral College result but not the result of the popular vote.

In the 2004 Scholastic Election Poll, George W. Bush received 52 percent of the votes and the Democratic contender, John F. Kerry, received 47 percent. Rounding out the vote, 1 percent of students voted for other candidates.
This is remarkably close to my prediction of a 53-46% split. Also, this was interesting: “President Bush received 57 percent of the student vote in Pennsylvania.” Bush should drive a bus from Philadelphia west through to Ohio, and then back again.

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