Friday, October 01, 2004

I get letters...and sometimes they're damn funny

Here's a story from Jill, who had to pick up some relatives at Logan Airport in Boston. She said I could share this anecdote (thanks, Jill!) so here it is:
We were up in Mass. visiting this summer, and the day before the convention we had to pick up some family members at Logan airport. I had several magnetic Bush/Cheney 04 bumper stickers on the car (I like magnetic -- you can peel them off when you want and this was a rental car).........anyway, security was very tight at Logan and the cop came over to me and said I couldn't park the car there unless my party was right there waiting. So I had to go around again. But he suddenly mentioned that I had Bush Cheney stickers on my car. I was thinking that he was criticizing me for having them. Then he pointed to an area where people were standing. He said, "see over there? where those people are standing? Those are democrat convention delegates. When you see your party of passengers arrive, go park your car over there.....right in front of them....... at first I was puzzled, but he looked at me and gave a little wink. He wanted me to irritate the hell out of the delegates with my Bush Cheney stickers all over my car. So that little Boston cop story that Cheney told at the convention?? It's all true. The Boston cops apparently can't stand Kerry. : )
Awesome! Although now I'm trying to remember the Cheney story. Google, ahoy!

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