Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rathergate: Anything goes if you’re guilty

I’ve been steering clear of the CBS memo scandal (except for my little song parody) because so many other bloggers are covering it 24-7. (The prevailing wisdom is that it’s hurting John Kerry.) But I’m shocked at CBS’s position that the memos were “accurate but not authentic.” Maybe I’m stretching here, but doesn’t this position allow for a tacit approval of evidence planting/tampering by the police?

After all, if you know a criminal is guilty, what’s the harm of planting incriminating evidence if it will speed up the wheels of justice in the trial and/or punishment phase (i.e. a quick plea-bargain). The sliver of rationale for such an action seems parallel to the CBS position. The only difference I can see is that a law officer who used false evidence – no matter what the reason – would be punished.

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