Thursday, September 16, 2004


Earlier today, Rich Lowry wrote: “I'm hearing that the new Gallup number is going to have Bush up BIG

His source was not wrong: “A Gallup poll being released Friday has Bush up 54-40 in a three-way matchup, with Ralph Nader at 3 percent.”

Update: USA Today says it’s a 13% lead among likely voters – 55%-42%.

And how about this:

The boost Bush received from the Republican convention has increased rather than dissipated, reshaping a race that for months has been nearly tied. Kerry is facing warnings from Democrats that his campaign is seriously off-track.
Perhaps more advisors are needed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    And simultaneously, we have this:
    ...a Pew Research Center poll that has it 47-46. The Harris Poll also has it deadlocked.

    Getting overexcited by these polls, polls, polls is nuts. It's like you're watching a basketball game with a 26-15 score after the first quarter, and you're jumping up and down singing "Happy Days Are Here Again." Of course, if basketball games were really like these polls, someone would hit an 11-point shot to open the second quarter.

    Among likely voters, 58 percent approve of George Bush's handling of the Easter Egg roll, while only 36 percent disapprove. KERRY IS TOAST.

