Sunday, September 12, 2004

Kerry speaks!

After a month in hiding, Senator Splunge finally answered some questions from a reputable media source. However, as this interview with Time magazine illustrates, Kerry must believe that his tired rhetoric is connecting because he’s barely changed a syllable from his stump speech. But you’ve got to know you’re in trouble when the interviewer (Karen Tumulty) asks questions like this:

- Speaking of clarity, a number of your allies have said that you haven't drawn a clear contrast between yourself and President Bush on Iraq.
- How? [would he get other countries to contribute] Diplomats say that it is not in our allies' political interest.
- You can't be more specific?
- Will you be more specific about timetables for getting troops out?

“Specifics”? “Clarity”? Geez, even Time magazine doesn’t understand nuance! When in doubt, go to the old stand-by:

As we get into those cold days of October and people's juices begin to flow and they measure us one to one, I'm confident that my record of fighting for this country since I was a young man is going to eclipse the disastrous choices that have been made by George Bush.
Fighting for this country”? What on earth is he talking about?

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