Sunday, September 12, 2004

Forget Missouri. Get ready to bail on Ohio

The Kerry campaign is pulling ads in states that were once thought to be competitive and a cruel electoral math is emerging. From the Boston Globe “Kerry faces tinier battlefield after Bush’s bounce in polls”:

President Bush's postconvention bounce in state and national polls has left Democratic challenger John F. Kerry with a smaller battlefield upon which to contest the presidential election and a potentially more difficult route to an electoral college victory than his advisers envisioned only a few months ago.
I said months ago that President Bush should focus on Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and the other Great Lake states since I’m convinced Kerry will not gain a single state below the Mason-Dixon line (although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to campaign a little in Florida just for insurance.)


  1. Eric,

    Not to mention that Kerry completely evacuated from Arizona too.

  2. Eric,

    Not to mention that Kerry completely evacuated from Arizona too.

  3. "[...] although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to campaign a little in Florida just for insurance [...]"

    HA! Florida... insurance... get it?

    Just a little multiple-disaster humor, there.

    I'll go away now.
