Tuesday, August 17, 2004

See my bumpersticker? I’m a terrific person!

Driving around Western Massachusetts, particularly the Berkeley of the East (Amherst), I see a lot of bumperstickers. My favorite of all time is “Free Tibet” because it encapsulates exactly why liberals deserve ridicule, which Mark Steyn heaps on in this article about Europe:

Europe is free to flaunt its "concern" – and even its "deep concern" – over the Eastern Congo precisely because it's entirely irrelevant to events in the Eastern Congo. As Stephens points out, European countries now have attitudes in inverse proportion to the likelihood of their acting upon them. They're like my hippy-dippy Vermont neighbours who drive around with "Free Tibet" bumper stickers. Every couple of years, they trade in the Volvo for a Subaru, and painstakingly paste a new "Free Tibet" sticker on the back.

What are they doing to free Tibet? Nothing. Tibet is as unfree now as it was when they started advertising their commitment to a free Tibet. And it will be just as unfree when they buy their next car and slap on the old sticker one mo' time.
Right on.

1 comment:

  1. Huh? I assumed that FREE TIBET meant they wanted Bush to attack China, overthrow its government, & liberate Tibet. Are u suggesting it doesn't mean ANYTHING??

