Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Is Kerry trying to hide something?

In the race for the 1992 Democratic nomination, former Massachusetts senator Paul Tsongas ran commercials showing him vigorously swimming laps in a pool. Although (if memory serves me) the voiceover noted how he fought against special interests and such, the message was obvious. Tsongas had recently recovered from cancer and his swimming spot was designed to assure voters he was healthy enough to run for President.

I was reminded of this upon reading the first sentence of this article: “Senator John F. Kerry spent yesterday afternoon on a 22-mile bike ride through the Idaho mountains…”

Biking, snowboarding, windsurfing, kite-surfing. We know Kerry is an active person, but the constant drum-beat of conspicuous activity is starting to look like ostentation. Kerry recently went under the knife for prostate cancer. Is he trying to show that he’s fully recovered…or is it possible he’s trying to cover up something more troubling?

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