Thursday, August 12, 2004

The John Kerry Songbook

Here's my half-assed contribution: "Flipper's Delight" (with apologies to the Sugarhill Gang)
I said a flip-flop the hippie is flipping
To the flip flip flop, you don’t stop
The crock to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
To the flippety flippety beat
Catchy, no? My favorite entry was the one done to the Eagles' "Take it Easy"
Well, I was cycling down the road
In my tight French clothes
I had seven viewpoints on my mind
Four wildly liberal
Two wildly liberal
One, a token moderate line
Sing along to them all!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    And now, the end is near
    And though I face the final curtain
    All those Bush Pioneers
    Will pay me well, like Halliburton
