Thursday, August 12, 2004

If this is Iowa, I must support ethanol

After reading about Kerry’s perfunctory pandering to Nevada voters, I was prepared to write a longish post about how Senator Splunge will say whatever is required on energy policy, depending on what state he’s in.

Michigan? I have an SUV!
California? That’s not mine. It’s my family’s.
Iowa? I love ethanol
West Virginia? I love coal (please ignore my voting record!)
Nevada? No to Yucca Mountain
Massachusetts? A wind farm off Nantucket will harm…my view of the ocean.

Even his own advisors are saying (off-record) that Kerry’s diatribe against foreign oil in general and the Saudis in particular is “asinine.”

In any case, James Pinkerton has a great article on Tech Central Station tying together all these loose ends: “Remember the Energy Crisis? It’s Back.”

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