Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Wednesdays are for W

Today’s the day that I ask my readers to volunteer or donate to George W. Bush’s re-election campaign, along with all my “Wictory Wednesday” buddies. I know that the first impulse to this request is to think that Bush has enough money. Perhaps that’s true, but the Democrats are hell-bent to use any means necessary, legal and otherwise, to circumvent campaign finance laws.

For example, in today’s Boston Globe, an article reported that the financially-troubled Democratic National Convention is suddenly very close to its fundraising goal. What benefactors are helping out the Dems? Nobody knows:

Many of the largest recent donors, including several that the Kerry team persuaded to contribute, have asked that their names not be disclosed until after the convention, host committee officials said. That is legal because Boston 2004 is officially a nonpartisan, not-for-profit entity, with looser public-reporting requirements than a political campaign.
Will the names be disclosed? Don’t bet on it.

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