Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Bad economic news...for John Kerry

From the Boston Globe: "Manufacturing gains steam"

NEW YORK -- US manufacturing activity expanded for the 12th consecutive month and construction spending rose to its highest level ever, signaling that the economy is picking up steam as it heads into summer.
Oh, and people were so worried about gas prices, they rushed out and bought more SUVs:

"Gas prices didn't seem to be much of a factor," said Dan Poole, vice president of equity research at Cleveland's National City Corp., which manages $23 billion, including Ford and General Motors shares. "It was just the opposite, with a big increase for GM trucks. If we still see two bucks a gallon in August it may be a problem, but it doesn't seem to be right now."
It's looking like $2/gallon gas won't be a problem in August.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    DOn't these people understand that seat belt laws are the reason why SUV's are so popular? If you have more than two children, you have to buy a minivan or an SUV so each child will have a seatbelt to comply with the law. You can't just toss them in the back of a station wagon and go like you did in the 70's. Liberals want someone to blame for SUV's? Look in the mirror.
