Sunday, May 23, 2004

What won’t the Democrats do?

Some Bay State officials are less than supportive of the idea of delaying the Dems nomination. From the Boston Globe: “Kerry idea finds support, city wary”:

"It's going to make a mockery out of the nomination process for the Democratic Party," said Boston City Councilor James M. Kelly. "People come from across the country, and the purpose of them being here is to nominate a candidate for the party."

If Kerry goes ahead with the delay, Kelly predicted "frustration and anger" among city residents and convention delegates who find, on top of traffic jams, that their part in history has been taken from them.
Others are tickled pink at the farce:

"I understand that the convention is a wonderful thing, but the more important thing is the inaugural in Washington," said Charles Glick, a Boston consultant and a convention delegate from the Eighth Congressional District.
I’m waiting for Terry McAuliffe to release a statement saying: “Sure we sold Acapulco Gold to raise money. The nominee himself peddled secrets from the Senate Intelligence Committee to the Chinese. But it only proves how dedicated the Democratic Party is to defeating George Bush in November.”

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