Sunday, May 23, 2004

Clear the way

With some good historical perspective, Lewis Lehrman and Bill Kristol declare we need to “Crush the Insurgents in Iraq.”

"The United States will lead, or the world will shift into neutral." Wise words from President Bush on May 20 to congressional Republicans. From the beginning, the president has made clear that we must lead and win the war on terror. To win the strategic war, we must of course win tactical battles. The central battle in the war on terror is Iraq. Unless we win that battle, we will see America itself, and the world, shift disastrously into neutral in the broader war.
I’m sure that on Monday, Bush will make the case that a democratic Iraq is the key to wider liberalization in the Middle East and thus greater security for America. It’s critical now that America make the path clear for this historic transition.

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