Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The Trouble with Kerry

Mickey Kaus (a self-described Democrat) doesn’t find much to like in John Kerry, who is sure to wrap up the Democratic nomination today. Kaus breaks down Kerry’s fatal political flaws into four categories:

1.) Does he work well with others?
2.) No visible political courage
3.) Yep. No vision.
4.) No fallback salesmanship

On the personal, I could have (and wish I had) written this line: “I admit, I'm allergic to Kerry. Something in the vibration of that deep, pompous tone he adopts--the lugubrious, narcissistic fake gravity--grates on me.” Although his enemies love to paint him as a dullard, President Bush is a likable fellow who connects with the values of soccer moms and NASCAR dads alike. Kerry, on the other hand, drips with a sanctimonious noblesse oblige that makes his faux populism so excruciating.

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