Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Tom Oliphant on Senator Splunge

Here’s the transcript of Boston Globe political columnist Tom Oliphant on CNN last night:

BROWN: Tom, when asked earlier today what you thought Senator Kerry's weaknesses -- or weakness -- principal weaknesses was, it's actually, for a guy running for the presidency, a harsh response. What is it?

OLIPHANT: Well, it flows out of a strength, actually, Aaron.

We've had a 30-plus year conversation about what Vietnam meant. And I remember one time he said to me late one evening years ago that Vietnam had made him a skeptic about the use of American power. And, on the one hand, there's an obvious plus there. But, on the other hand, it does suggest the possibility of a little too much brooding and indecisiveness.

BROWN: That's the word you used, indecisiveness.

OLIPHANT: And after all, they pay 400 grand a year for the White House job for you to make decisions.

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