Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Big Dig sinkhole claims another victim

John Kerry: You got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do!

A Senate colleague was trying to close a loophole that allowed a major insurer to divert millions of federal dollars from the nation's most expensive construction project. John Kerry stepped in and blocked the legislation.

Over the next two years, the insurer, American International Group, paid Kerry's way on a trip to Vermont and donated at least $30,000 to a tax-exempt group Kerry used to set up his presidential campaign. Company executives donated $18,000 to his Senate and presidential campaigns.

Were the two connected? Kerry says not.

Oh no no no no no no no no! Well….yes.

BTW, people in Western Massachusetts HATE the Big Dig because after it sucked up all the federal funds available, the Commonwealth started using state highway funds to cover the substantial cost overruns. Essentially, the rest of Massachusetts had to pay for this boondoggle.

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